A view to MEXICO

Фотографиите са заснети по време на участието ми в интерконтинентален проект по проблемите на миграциятa. Групата ни прекара в Мексико три седмици, като имахме за основна задача да проучим как чрез средствата на изкуството могат да се подпомогнат процесите на интеграция на мигранти. Освен срещите които имахме, потърсих една по-широка картина на мексиканското общество, до толкова доколкото имах контакт с него. Избрах метода на уличната фотография, като спонтанна реакция на действителността.

Фотографския материал оставих да отлежи преди да направя подбора и подредбата. В настоящата извадка кристализират някои повтарящи се теми, които не съм търсил преднамерено – улична храна, транспортен хаос, поклонничество към смъртта, детски труд, спящи на улицата хора, постоянно присъствие на тежко въоръжена полиция…

В този контекст поставям няколко снимки от центрове за помощ на мигранти, където използвах други методи на снимане, поради изискването да запазя анонимността и достойнството на човека от една страна, и все пак нуждата от портретуване в отделни случаи.

Изказвам специални благодарности на Лоран Фестас и Станиела Атанасчева за възможността да бъда част от проекта и да реализирам този фотографски опит.

Next photos are taken during my participation in an intercontinental project on problems of migration. Our group was in Mexico for 3 weeks and our primary goal was to study how we can help migrants integration using art forms. Apart of workshops we attended I was searching for a broader view of Mexican society as it was possible for me. I’ve chosen the method of street photography as spontaneous reaction of reality.

I left row photo material to mature for a while before I start the selection work. Some repetitive themes crystallized during the process – street food, transportation chaos, pilgrimage for dead, children’s labor, peoples sleeping on the street, omnipresence of heavily armed police forces etc…

Among what I found on the streets I’ve put some photos taken in migrant centers where I used different methods of shooting in order to keep anonymity and human dignity of the photographed.

Special thanks to Laurent Festas and Staniela Atanascheva for providing me the possibility to be part of the project!

Street scene, Mexico city (CDMX)

A guy is pointing a plastic pistol on me CDMX

Street scene Old Town CDMX

Street musician performs while peoples enjoying specialty coffee under a short rain

Old Town CDMX

A man sleeping under Revolution monument CDMX

On the wall of traditional Pulque drink distillery, Old Town CDMX

A pesero, micro or microbús is a form of public transport, most commonly seen in Mexico City.

A scene in a Metro station CDMX

Marketpace CDMX
A man transporting three kids on a scooter

Street food pavilion, Old Town CDMX
Santa Muerte, is an idol, female deity or folk saint in Mexican and Mexican-American folk Catholicism

Street scene Old Town CDMX
Street scene Old Town CDMX

Plaza Mexico is the largest bullfight arena in the world.CDMX

Inside one of migrants help center, where guys are watching TV

A migrant from Hunduras who lost his little son and tattoos himself to overcome the pain

Highly secured homes in CDMX

Entering a migrant helping center

A migrant mother breastfeeding her kid while participating in art activities in the migrants center.

A migrant kid participating in a photography workshop

Part of Monte Alban Pyramids complex founded around 500 BC

Street view from the back of pickup truck

Riding on the back of pickup truck
A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico
A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico
A street scene on the Marketplace Oaxaca, Mexico

A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico
A boy is selling cigarettes on the Festival, Oaxaca, Mexico
A street vendor showing his stock, Oaxaca, Mexico
Street scene during the carnival Oaxaca, Mexico

The blocked entrance of Oaxaca University during students occupation

A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico
A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

A blind man is wandering around church's yard while the guard is maintaining shadow construction

A street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

Putting as much people as possible in the transport vehicle is common scene in Mexico. Oaxaca, Mexico

Street food pavilions are movable and getting transported by hand every evening and again in the morning. Oaxaca, Mexico

Oaxaca Mexico
Art activities of a indigenous communities Oaxaca, Mexico

Art activities of a indigenous communities Oaxaca, Mexico

Street scene Oaxaca, Mexico
A view to The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption Oaxaca, Mexico

Street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

Street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

A jazz performer in a family owned restaurant Oaxaca, Mexico

Street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

Street scene Oaxaca, Mexico

Street scene Oaxaca, Mexico